Tuesday 9 August 2016

Paralytic Poliomyelitis: A personal Story - By Dr Jose Poulose

 I was born and raised in a small village called Kogally, of Chickmaglur Dist, in the Southern state of Karnataka, India. My parents had moved to this place from the neighboring state of Kerala, aslo known as God’s own country. At the age of five, while I was playing in front of my house with my older brother, I remembered my legs suddenly going down and losing strength. I was unable to walk anymore and my older brother was forced to carry me into our house.

My father was away due to his business commitments and my mother with the help of my uncle quickly took me to the nearest town hospital. It was a Government hospital and the doctor demanded an upfront payment for treating me. Since my condition was critical, they left in a hurry and forgot to take money for my treatment. The hospital was an hour away from home and bus service, which was the commonly used mode of commute was very infrequent in those days.

By the next morning, I was completely paralyzed, from neck down! I was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis, the devastating neuromuscular disorder!

Soon my father arrived, as the doctor was about to perform a lumbar puncture on me. My father became irate kicking the doctor’s office door open in a fit of rage because he had demanded a bribe. He could not fathom that a true physician would withhold treatment to a young boy on account of receiving remuneration first. He did not allow me to be treated by this doctor.

The doctor had told my dad that there was very little hope left for my condition. With great disappointment, they brought me back home and looked for alternative treatment. As my father had been a well -respected resident and a social worker in that community, we received a continual stream of visitors to our home. I was completely bedridden and needed personal care for all my needs. I remember someone squeezing a peeled orange into my mouth with lots of affection inasmuch as I was completely paralyzed as only my head and neck moved. At this juncture, I wondered if this will this be my fate for the rest of my life?’

A few months passed and someone told my family about a Homeopathic doctor near Manipal, India, who treated my condition paralytic poliomyelitis. I was taken there and I began to receive treatment from the doctors. The treatment was basically an intense oil massage! I wasn’t sure exactly how it worked, but it did. The protocols were very intense as they began to massage by starting at the arm and massaging all the way down to the fingers, applying lots of pressure. This procedure was repeated hundreds of times over and over again.

After about two months, my upper extremities regained strength. The same process was repeated for my lower extremities. My mother watched the entire process and soon she was trained in the method of treatment. Mothers are exceptional individuals in their love and care for their children and my mother was no different. She was resilient and never gave up in the face of extraordinary adversity! I recovered, albeit slowly.

I was able to walk normally by the age of 6 years old, at which time I began school. I excelled in academics continuously each year for the next 10 years and therefore I was awarded a prestigious merit scholarship for my achievements and efforts. Physically though I had made a remarkable recovery, yet due to effects of Polio, I would fall often and would twist my ankle when I ran. As I look back, I may have fallen hundreds of times, yet I would not let it hinder my progress. My legs would often hurt after extensive walking. It was at this time the doctor recommended that I wear properly fitted shoes. I followed his advice for the next two decades and rarely wore sandals which brought great relief to my feet.

By God’s grace, I got accepted to Medical School through the Karnataka State Entrance Test. My parents made many sacrifices to send me to college and medical school.

One of my professors would say ” You almost never fully recover from Paralytic poliomyelitis”, but I objected stating my case as I am an example of a person that made a full recovery. It was always an exciting and fulfilling moment when I share my story with those who had never heard it before. My passion has always been to help the poor, the sick and needy without expecting much in return as I have considered my own personal struggles with paralytic poliomyelitis and recovery! During my college years, I once walked 2-3 miles as a trial and to found out that my legs were not hurting. I was pleasantly surprised! In my excitement,I kept walking for almost 18 miles, visiting friends and family along the way in our village, telling everyone that my legs are finally not hurting anymore.

I am thankful to God for the ability he has given me to walk again. Although I have fallen again along the life journey’s and undergone many painful events, His merciful hand has been over my life! He has enabled me to pick up myself again and kept me in pace throughout the journey of life walking the walk to inspire and encourage others.

We must keep walking and never allow the tide of adversity to make us lose hope. The good news is that we will receive a new life and a new body on the other side of eternity and be safe in the arms of God, provided we know Him!

Knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior has been the greatest joy, satisfaction, and experience I have ever gained on this side of eternity. One day I will  behold the face of my Lord Christ Jesus. Although His physical appearance will be glorious, the nail marks and piercings of the cross will be still visible! Oh, how I love Jesus! Thank you Lord for carrying me in your arms time and time again.

Thank you for the strength and favor. For I will not fear the days ahead as I am not alone in this journey. The Lord Jesus Christ is walking with me daily. With His help, I will surely reach my destination. Thank you Lord for being there for me!

1 comment:

  1. I've been to Dr Jose Poulose for regular health check. He guided me about my health and told me to make changes in my routine diet.Great man with exceptional skills.
